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The Girl Behind The Wall By Mandy Robotham

The Girl Behind The Wall By Mandy Robotham

I have been an avid fan of Mandy Robotham ever since I read her debut book ‘A Woman Of War’. In fact, it is still one of the first books that I suggest when people ask for recommendations on books in the historical fiction genre. So, when I was offered an advanced reader copy of her new book ‘The Girl Behind The Wall’, I jumped at the opportunity. Like her previous book, this one did not disappoint. Albeit if you had to force me to choose one, I would still say that her debut book is still my favorite!

The Girl Behind The Wall By Mandy Robotham

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The book, ‘The Girl Behind The wall’ by Mandy Robotham has an interesting plot. Set in Berlin in Germany, the story unfolds during the time when the Berlin wall was built. The book revolves around a family split by the divide the wall has caused. Identical twins, Jutta and Karin find themselves separated overnight with no means of contact.

Mandy Robotham spins the tale with apparent ease but as you read through each page, you find yourself drawn into the plight of each twin. One stuck in west Berlin, aching for the company of the other half of her soul. The other stuck in East Berlin who despite all odds, finds true love. Choices become difficult as time passes and the heartache that separation causes weighs heavily on both of them. In the end, it is all up to what sacrifices each one is willing to make.

The author switches the narrative from one twin to another, which gives you an idea of the turmoil that each twin endures. I found myself agreeing with both their perspectives as I read each narrative and wondering what would I have done in their situation. I guess, you could say that the book engulfed me. As usual, Mandy Robotham describes the setting of each area with vivid detail. It is almost as if you are walking through history in your mind’s eye.

Would I suggest getting the book when it is published? Definitely! The book is an interesting read and well worth it!

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